HP-MOS Crowdfunding Appeal

Crowdfunding is an alternative method of raising finance for our charity and contributes towards our online funding target. Please click on HP-MOS Crowdfunding Appeal below and kindly show your support. At the click of your mouse will have a significant impact on the lives of people in need. On behalf of everyone here at our charity, we thank you for your generosity and for allowing us to direct your donation and financial support where the need is greatest. Your support truly makes a difference in the lives of people in need!

We are asking for your generous donation to help us provide facilities and structured psychological support services for marginalised and disadvantaged communities and people in need. Community development is at the core of our services to foster a range of community development activities to meet identified community needs. Your financial commitment ensures our proactive work continuous to reach out to communities, supporting community groups – encouraging and facilitating effective and wide-reaching community activities.

Please click on the link above  to support our cause!